what is food rescue?

food rescue


Food rescue, also known as food recovery, is the practice of redirecting edible food that would otherwise go to waste from food businesses, such as retailers, produce distributors and large dining facilities, and distributing it to local charity meal sites.


why is it important?

  1. Food is a HUGE contributor to climate change

    • Food is the leading item found in the landfill and emits methane gas, which is 25x more toxic than CO2.

  2. Precious resources are being WASTED

    • 25% of our fresh water is used to produce food, only to have 40% of the food thrown away.

    • Other precious natural resources, such as energy, labor, and materials are being wasted when we throw away food. (see below)

  3. Food Waste is costing the United States BILLIONS

    • The economic impact of food waste is estimated to cost nearly $221.5 billion a year.

  4. Wasted food DEPRIVES others of valuable nutrition

    • Good nutrition is the key to good mental and physical health. It prevents malnutrition and protects from diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and stroke.

Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of the poor and hungry.
— Pope Francis

wasted food = wasted resources


food insecurity in houston

harris county faces far greater food insecurity than the rest of the country

food insecurity (noun)

  • limited or uncertain access to enough food

 Source: Feeding America’s annual “Map the Meal Gap” study

(published in 2023, census taken in 2021)

To explore the interactive map, click HERE.

food waste + prevention

food waste facts + stats

  • The USDA estimates that nearly 40% of the available food supply is wasted and sent to the landfill

  • Food is the largest component in the landfill, accounting for 24% of the total

  • Food waste costs the U.S. economy roughly $221 billion annually

  • Food waste has increased by 50% since the 1970s

  • Food waste accounts for 8-10% of global methane emissions

  • The government encourages food donation by protecting food donors from liability for donations to charities made in good faith, under the "Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act" of 1996


best ways to prevent + divert food waste

The Wasted Food Scale prioritizes actions that can be taken to prevent and divert wasted food. Each section focuses on different management strategies for your wasted food.

Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency