a dignified shopping experience that fights food insecurity and inflation
Inflation is impacting every sector of the economy, but especially critical is the increase in the cost of food. Grocery prices are still 27% higher than pre-pandemic February 2020, which has significantly impacted the already stretched budgets of over 40% of households in Houston. Especially hard hit are people living on fixed incomes, such as seniors, the disabled, and veterans.
To address this growing need, we’ve created the “PopUp Grocery Store” program for low-income housing properties. On a monthly basis, we provide perfectly edible surplus food that Kroger, Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s, and other retail partners share with us, for residents to enjoy a “free shopping experience.” They chose from a wide assortment of grocery products, as shown in our photos.
PopUp Grocery Stores allow people to “shop” for nutritious foods without worrying about price or transportation

The residents choose from an array of products that generally includes fresh bagged salads, fruit and vegetable platters, individual meals, sandwiches, meat, dairy, baked goods, and much more. They truly appreciate the convenience of “shopping” right in their building, since many don’t have easy access to grocery stores. And by helping people stretch their food budgets, they have more money to pay their rent and purchase other necessities.
-get involved-
Sponsor a PopUp
Are you part of a civic organization, professional association, networking group, or business that would like to help Houstonians receive free groceries at their low-income housing site? Consider sponsoring one of our partner properties for a month or more! We offer our services free to all our recipients but by becoming a PopUp sponsor, you will help defray the operating costs of hosting a PopUp. Sponsorships range from $500 to $20,000. Opportunities to volunteer at the property may also be available, which could include receiving and arranging the groceries, greeting and helping the residents with their selections.
Volunteer at a PopUp
The Food & Faith Collaborative is an interfaith organization that provides volunteers for multiple PopUp Grocery Stores every month. Volunteers assist with unloading the food from the vans, arranging the food attractively by category, and assisting the “shoppers” as they make their selections. PopUp Grocery Store volunteering typically lasts around 2 hours, and the dates and times vary throughout the month.
Click HERE to learn more about the Food & Faith Collaborative.
Host a Popup as a Nonprofit Partner
Explore the chance to host a popup grocery store at your nonprofit site! Our approved Popup partner sites benefit from a diverse range of grocery items, such as fresh produce, grab ‘n go items, meat, and shelf stable goods. This opportunity offers convenience for residents, especially those without easy access to grocery stores. By participating, you'll contribute to stretching food budgets and supporting financial stability. Click below to apply to become an official monthly PopUp Grocery Store site.
Here are some of our pop-up partners
First Horizon Foundation
Indus Cares
Portfolio Resident Services
The Houston Jewish Community Foundation
Mustang Cat
The Housing Corporation of Greater Houston
Houston Junior Forum
Carnelian Energy Capital
First Horizon Foundation Indus Cares Portfolio Resident Services The Houston Jewish Community Foundation Avenue Mustang Cat The Housing Corporation of Greater Houston Hettig-Kahn Houston Junior Forum Carnelian Energy Capital