help us continue to fight hunger and reduce food waste
As a nonprofit, we rely on the generous support of individuals, businesses and private foundations. Donations can be made on a one-time or recurring basis, as well as "in recognition of" a person or occasion or "in memory of " someone. Gifts of any size are welcome, with additional recognition opportunities available with different levels of support. Thank you for your consideration!
donate now
If you are unable to view the form below, please click the Donation Form Button to be directed to our donation form.
donate by check
If interested in donation by check, please make the check out to Second Servings of Houston and include your contact information. Mail to our office address: Second Servings, 8825 Knight Rd. Houston, TX 77054
other ways to support
Through eBay for Charity, you can support Second Servings by selling on eBay. Sellers can reduce their fees, in exchange for donating a percentage of sales.
ask your employer to match
Ask the company you work for if they match donations! If they do, please contact us and we can share simple documents with both parties to double your donation.
sign up at kroger or randalls
Add our code to your Kroger or Randalls card through their Community Rewards and Good Neighbor Program. Once our code is added to your card, Second Servings will receive a small percentage of all eligible purchases.
Kroger code: XS812 | Randalls code: 13658
DONATE A CAR through “CARs”
Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS) is a service-oriented nonprofit that manages vehicle donation programs for charities. Consider donating your spare vehicle to benefit Second Servings. After CARS sells the vehicle, Second Servings receives the revenue minus sales expenses.
how your support helps
$10,000* —> supports a food rescue route (driver, fuel and insurance) for 6 weeks
$5,000 —> rescues the equivalent to 10,000 grocery bags
$1,000 —> provides a day’s worth of nutritious food for 800 people.
$500 —> supports one PopUp Grocery Store event
$250 —> funds food rescue supplies for a month
$125 —> fuels one refrigerated van for 3 days
*includes additional recognition benefits