the gift that gives


join us in providing fresh produce and prepared meals to struggling Houstonians this holiday season

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the ultimate holiday gift: feeding those in need


The holidays look different for many of us this year. It’s usually a time for family and friends to celebrate, exchange gifts and enjoy a wonderful meal together. However, many of us won’t be traveling or gathering in large groups this year. That said, one way to bring a smile to a loved one’s face is to make a donation in their honor to provide holiday meals and food all year long to Houstonians who are struggling to have enough to eat. Consider dedicating your gift to your traditional holiday host, relative, friend or neighbor this holiday season. Each honoree will receive a special note letting them know you’ve made a gift in their name, which will help us continue to fight hunger and reduce food waste in our city.

The Second Servings team is so thankful for your support. Happy Holidays!